Embracing Tradition and Community: The ECS Passover Program

On April 17th, 2024, the Early Childhood School (ECS) at B'Nai Shalom of Olney proudly invites its students and families to a special celebration of Passover. This unique event is designed to bring our community closer through a meaningful and child-friendly Passover experience. Featuring a short seder, engaging Passover stories, joyful songs, and a tasting of traditional dishes, our Passover Program aims to foster a deep and personal connection to this significant holiday in a way that resonates with children and adults alike.

Engage, Participate, and Connect

We eagerly invite families to immerse themselves in the Passover Program. It's an opportunity to engage with the traditions and values that lie at the heart of ECS, fostering a sense of belonging and deeper connection to our community. By participating, families will not only enrich their understanding of Passover but also see the heartwarming nurturing and values that guide us at ECS.

It's a chance to connect with other families, experiencing firsthand the school's dedication to celebrating our Jewish traditions. This program is more than an event; it's a pathway to enriching family bonds and deepening community ties. Our aim is for every family to feel embraced, engaged, and inspired by their experience at the Passover Program. Through interactive activities, immersive storytelling, and shared cultural moments, we strive to create a lasting sense of warmth, community, and cultural pride among all attendees.

Join us as we embark on this beautiful journey of discovery, celebration, and community at the ECS Passover Program. Together, let's create memories that will enrich our lives and bind us closer as a community, united in the joy of our shared heritage and the promise of our children's futures.